Embrace your true self. That can feel heavy at times, can’t it? Why is it so hard to embrace our true selves? It’s because we all have pain points and traumas. We all experienced, to some degree or another, that some parts of ourselves were not accepted if we let it out. We either didn’t get any attention for it, or got in trouble for it, or in some way weren’t accepted for it. A lot of these pain points stem from childhood (which can actually be seen in your natal astrology chart). Yet some of these pain points continue into our adulthood and often carry the same themes from childhood, but manifest a little differently. We carry into adulthood the ways in which we learned to protect ourselves, emotionally and physically, in childhood and it takes a lot of time to realize that those ways of self-preservation are no longer serving us and only holding us back. What we don’t realize is that we are at our best when we allow those vulnerabilities within ourselves to be seen and witnessed, not only by ourselves, but by other people as well. We are at our best when we learn that we don’t have to wear whatever coats of armor we are wearing and can just let ourselves shine. The thing about childhood, is we had to be who we had to be because we didn’t have control over our surroundings. Now that we are adults, we should feel free to be exactly who we are and trust that those situations and people that are not meant for us will fall away, and those that are meant for us and will see the beauty of who we are will find their way to us. When we allow ourselves to just BE, be exactly who we are without shame or guilt, and let go of our protection mechanisms from childhood, THAT is when we are bringing our true gifts to the ourselves and the world. The stars within us shine brightest when we embrace our true selves. That is when we find our joy. And when we find and live more in our joy, the world is a much better place. The world needs our brightest lights to shine.
Where do you struggle embracing your true self? Have you let go of the armor you carried with you since childhood or is it a work in progress?
If you’d like a personal astrology reading to see what habits you’ve picked up from childhood and how you can overcome it, book a general astrology reading with me on my shop page.
Another very useful tool is Ho’oponopono. Have you heard of this? This is such a powerful tool to use to forgive – not only yourself, but also others. Every time I use this prayer, it brings me to tears but it also brings me such peace. And I start it usually without any intention in mind, but it immediately takes me to wherever I need healing. How does it go? It’s as simple as saying “I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You.” It is SO incredibly powerful. I enjoy listening to it in song form and I discovered this version on Insight Timer – it’s my favorite!
If you think you are insterested in learning more about Ho’oponopono there is a certification course by Joe Vitale that you can take.
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